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Make your New Year’s resolution work for you!

With the new year, just around the corner, we all look forward to a fresh beginning; a newer, healthier self. Typically, New Year’s Resolutions are Lifestyle / Behaviour change based, with unattainable goals and impractical methods. They usually involve a new fad diet or exercise plan that must start on the 1st of January and […]

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Summertime exercise

As we approach the busiest time of year, filled with Christmas parties and lazy summer days, it is hard to find the time to exercise. Often people loathe the thought of having to exercise in the heat and decide to avoid it all together. The recommendation for physical activity in adults is at least 150 […]

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Exercise and Prostate Cancer

Did you know 22,000 men are diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in Australia annually?  Sadly, 3,000 men die of this disease every year, with more men dying of Prostate cancer than women dying of breast cancer. Advances in diagnosis and treatment have lead to 5-year survival rates approaching 100%. This means men with prostate cancer are […]