Active Life

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Flexible work physio style

When we often talk about flexibility to our patients, we aren’t usually referring to work hours or lifestyle.  Flexibility usually means the ability to bend without breaking – or in a physio sense we start talking about your muscle’s ability to stretch to allow movement! But what about all this talk about flexible work? Does […]

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Soccer injuries – how to avoid them

You have read our article about common soccer injuries.  You also know that prevention is better than cure. How do we do prevention?  The literature currently suggests that injury prevention programs should include the following main elements: Plyometric exercises: Exercises that focus on using fast-twitch fibres by exerting maximum muscular force in short explosive movements. […]

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6 Most Common Netball Injuries

Netball continues to be one of Australia’s most popular team sports, with people of all ages and skill levels participating. As netball involves repeated fast stop-start movements, jumping and landing, throwing and catching, and quick direction changes, injuries of the foot, knee, shoulder and finger are very common. Injuries frequently occur from awkward landings, falling/slipping […]

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Beat It – Diabetes Exercise Program

Diabetes is a medical condition affecting 1 million Australians. Remarkably, it is believed that 50% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed. Diabetes affects the ability of the body to produce and use a hormone called insulin. Insulin acts as a key to “unlock the doors” of our muscles so that glucose (sugar, aka energy) can […]

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Managing the active growing adolescent

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our tweens and teens are growing rapidly and full of energy. Exercise and sport are brilliant diversions, but heel and knee pain are common complaints in this age group – especially when they are active. For parents, hearing your child complain of pain and limping about can be quite stressful especially when the problem seems […]

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Powerlifting: The journey to strong (part 2)

Part 1: Deadlifting technique and cues You might have heard your coach or gym buddy yell out, “breathe into your belt!” or “shoulders back and down!” These are two of the common cues used by coaches and lifters as a reminder to keep the body in an appropriate position for the deadlift. In this article […]

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Tips for staying mentally and physically healthy

The pandemic that has shaken not only our community but the whole world. After many months of uncertainty it is quite possible that you are feeling less resilient than usual.  It is important we continue to look after our wellbeing, so that we can be our best for ourselves, and those around us. Staying mentally […]

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Powerlifting: The journey to strong

Part 1: Progressive overload Introduction Powerlifting is a journey to making your body really strong! But this strength doesn’t happen overnight. You may wonder how powerlifters are able to lift so much weight without getting injured? You may be thinking that powerlifters must spend hours in a gym to be able to lift those weights. […]

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World Physiotherapy Day – My Physiotherapy Journey

It’s World Physiotherapy Day, and this year, we want to remember all of the physios who are working hard to support our community. Physiotherapists work with lots of different communities and groups. At The Healthy Body Company, we mainly help people with injuries and pain. But, we also support people who are undergoing treatment for […]