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How to reverse the health risks of sitting all day
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sitting is a part of everyday life, and many of us work in desk based jobs where we might easily be sitting for 8 or more hours a day. But, even if you love what you are doing, you have probably heard that sitting is not good for you. What you may not know is […]
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Dry Needling – What is it?
Dry needling. Acupuncture. Is there any difference? You will know that both involve the insertion of very fine needles. Both dry needling and acupuncture use the same or very similar needles, however they vary in the theory, and the technique and location for the insertion of needles. What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is a truly ancient […]
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Painful and weak? It could be a tendon problem…
Have you recently noticed pain or weakness when gripping objects, heel pain in the morning or an aching shoulder? Firstly, you are not alone, and guess what, you may have a problem with a tendon – aka a tendinopathy. What is a tendinopathy? A tendinopathy is a type of tendon injury. They can occur in […]
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Breakfast of Champions
By now most popular winter team sports such as soccer, netball & rugby are in full swing! Typically game day is either on a Saturday or Sunday and depending upon age group, games are played early or mid-morning. From a sports nutrition perspective, this makes breakfast a very important opportunity to fuel the body with […]
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What makes a good sports parent?
This is a great article for every parent of sporting children to consider. 1. Be supportive, don’t coach. Provide encouragement, support, empathy, transportation and equipment. But do not coach (unless you are the coach – then coach your heart out)! Especially from the side line. It is ok to talk about tactics and technical aspects […]
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Rowing and Lower Back Pain: What’s Happening?
For those who have trained or competed in rowing, you know the rush when the boat is moving after that perfect stroke. But you also know the amount of hard work and dedication that goes into this sport that requires immense power, finesse and, above all, endurance. For those who have never tried it, let […]
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Nutrition for Netball – Fuel for training, game day & health.
This year, we celebrate the 90th anniversary of Netball in Australia! I recently had the pleasure of speaking with some talented netballers from the Western Sydney Academy of Sport about the importance of nutrition for their sport and overall health. One of the most common themes that came up on the day was around planning […]
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Vertigo – what can you do?
Vertigo describes a false sensation of movement or spinning. It is often referred to as ‘dizziness’, which is a less specific term that can refer to anything from feeling light-headed or unsteady to a spinning sensation. Common Symptoms Common symptoms of vertigo include: dizziness a sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving. […]
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4 Most Common Dance Injuries
A great dancer looks effortless, but graceful movement requires incredible strength, flexibility and stamina. It also comes with a high risk of injury. Whether you are a dancer, the parent of a dancer or a dance teacher, being aware of common dance injuries is important. The 4 Most Common Dance Injuries: 1. ANKLE SPRAINS Up to 90% […]