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Shoulder Pain – What Could Be The Cause?
Shoulder pain can be really debilitating. It impacts on your ability to do normal tasks during the day, not to mention the pain at night when you roll over (insert sad and tired face). So, what could be the cause of your shoulder issue and what should you do? Tom Hamilton has some great info […]
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Strength Training for Life
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The World Health Organisation (WHO) currently recommends that adults perform at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise each week. Most people would already know this. However did you know the WHO also recommends a minimum of 2 days per week performing strengthening exercises, or strength […]
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Back-pack pain, a thing of the past?
The kids have been back a school for a few weeks now, and despite our best efforts those bags just seem to get heavier and heavier. We all want the best for our kids, so what is the best when it comes to school bags? Currently a large focus is being placed on finding the […]
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Lymphoedema – What is it?
To understand lymphoedema, it’s first helpful to understand the body system that it effects. What is the lymph system? The Lymphatic System The lymphatic system is probably most simply described as our body’s ‘sewerage system’. It maintains fluid levels in our body tissues by removing all fluids that leak out of our blood vessels. The […]
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Travel Tips from a Physio
Summer is fast approaching and if you are like me, you are contemplating the end of the year and feeling very much like it is time for a holiday. Then (like me) you remember, as much fun as travelling is, the actual transportation part can be pretty hard to bear. So, how would a physio […]
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More Core
If you previously followed our Core Series you may be ready for some new exercises. If you have not seen it before, it is important to go back and start from Part 1 in order to get the basics of core activation. These exercises are more advanced and may not be suitable if you are […]
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Baseball – Common Injuries
Baseball is a sport that incites great passion among both the players and the fans. Interest in baseball has been growing within Australia over the past few years, and we have some great players. Many Australian players are now being recognised by high level teams in America. Baseball is a dynamic sport that combines a […]
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Osteoporosis and Exercise
When we think of osteoporosis we think about frail elderly ladies who are bent and have trouble walking. But what is osteoporosis? What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is the gradual loss of bone density due to deterioration of bone tissue. This loss of bone density causes bones to be frail and puts the individual at risk […]
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To scan or not to scan?
Are your scan results helpful or harmful? One of the first questions I’m often asked from patients is ‘Do I need a scan for my injury?’. The answer to this question is dependent on many factors and cannot be answered before a thorough examination is done. I also see many patients who are distressed about […]