With the current COVID-19 pandemic, working from home is currently on the rise for many people who have desk based jobs. Unfortunately a poorly set up work space will find you uncomfortable when sitting for hours on end and this can impact on your ability to focus. The other issue is that while there is no travel time (woohoo) you are also less likely to go outside and stretch your legs, and generally move your body. This blog will focus on the ideal home set up and some key exercises to utilise throughout the day to stretch out those tight muscles.
Here is a picture of Ken and Tom from our Penrith team giving some advice while in the ideal set up.
If you would like to read more about how to set up your work environment, click on this link from the University of Western Australia.
Even with the modifications above, frequent breaks are still needed throughout the day. Sitting is a part of everyday life and many desk job workers find themselves sitting for at least 8 hours a day. However, not wanting to freak you out, sedentary behaviour and prolonged sitting are associated with an increased risk of developing:
However, it’s not all doom and gloom. Research has found some ways to reverse the negative effects of prolonged sitting. They found that 1 hour of physical activity per day was able to reduce the risk of increased death compared to people who do not exercise. Suitable exercise includes brisk walking or cycling.
The best way to incorporate regular activity into a busy lifestyle is to consciously break up periods of prolonged sitting. Every 30-60 minutes:
Here are some exercises that you can use to stretch out those muscles that become tight from sitting:
If you are experiencing any neck, shoulder or back pain from sitting all day working at your desk and are unsure about what to do, feel free to get in touch. We are very happy to chat with you and help you work out what you need to do.
Our practices at Penrith, Jordan Springs and Caringbah are all open.